So while reading my mail today i get thies goolge add, which looked to me (as a physicist) possibly qite interesting (or possibly like a horrible headache):
New Physics -- The Theory Of Everything Has Arrived!This dude does not have the answer to life the universe and everything (physics). He may know it's 42, but I am not too sure. He just serves you an extra load of bullshit that made it impossible for me to read more then the first few pages of his book. Not only is he bashing physics as it is today, he is clearly showing that he did not do his research right. Here is some entrees from his introduction to the four fources of nature:
1) "Gravity -- the familiar attraction between all matter, first described by Isaac Newton."
OK buddy if you want to challange todays scinece through gravity at least try looking at Einstein's GR. If you lack the brainpower or conviction to talk about it, rethink writing a book criticising physics.
2) "Weak Nuclear Force -- another nuclear force, considered to be much weaker than the Strong Nuclear Force. ..."
Hold you horses here. While the weak force is short range (making it similar to the strong force) it is not a "nuclear" force like the strong force. You are implying that the weak force acts on the same "stuff" as the strong force. This is not true. The weak force interacts with any type of matter we understand as of now. The strong force does not. At the same time the name Weak Force does not imply it is considered *weaker*, but yes it's coupeling constant is much smaller then the one associating with of the Strong Force in the ... uhhh ... current state of the universe.
Anyway enough pointeless ranting. I need to take a physics course again or something. Well I am just a lowly grad student tell me, what do you think about this book (if you feel like spending your gaming time reading this book instead). I just can't bear to read any more. I may cry f i do.
--- Edit ----
One more bit before I pass out:
"Since arrival at this deep physical understanding is expected to yield a common mathematical framework for all the forces of nature, it is often assumed that if we simply pursue this mathematical end result directly – using our current models – we will achieve this deeper understanding."
Now, I am not smart enough to be a theorist, but consider for example Einstein's Special Relativity. I doubt this guy ever read it, or if he did clearly he was too high to comprehend what he was looking at. Here we have an example of how a new theory of physics comes to be. Inspired by principles seen in our understanding of the world Einstein comes up with a new framwork describing motion starting not with any existing formulae, but with two simple assumptions:
1) Speed of light is a constant (A problem with the theory since it does not explain why the speed fo light is constant, I agree)
2)The laws of physics hold true in an intertial reference frame (ie. you can use the same physical theory to describe what you see whether you are ... ignoring acceleration for now to make things simple)
No use of F=ma. Spacetime follows as a result. Look more closely at your background ya crackpot.
Ohh it gets even better:
"Despite the ongoing energy expended by Earth’s gravity to hold objects down and the moon in orbit, this energy never diminishes in strength or drains a power source – in violation of one of our most fundamental laws of physics: the Law of Conservation of Energy."
Holy fucking shit dude ... you are looking at some very simple laws here and you can't keep up with what either of them means. No crazy math, no nothing. You can solve the moons orbit using newtons laws and forces, or by using Hamiltonians (applying Conservation of energy more directly). You arrive at the conclusion that the moon stays in the sky because of either law. Not that they vilolate each other. I wish I had my Classical Mechnics book closeby to smite this guy senseless with.
Frank: "F=ma, bitch!"
Mark McCutcheon: *screams as he whitnesses the awsome power of F=dp/dt *
Ok now I am about to puke thanks to that dude (not the b33r I consumed earlier). Time to go and relieve myslef.