Friday, December 03, 2010


So in their events bulleting the UVic GSS folk pointed out wordle, a webapp to create world clouds from text you may find in places such as your blog. Seeking out any opportunity to procrastinate with a vengence I prompty made a wordle of this here blog (let's hope that I can sidestep any recursion problems). have a looksie at the result:
Seeing that we at ATLAS have our very own blog talking about the progress the experiment has been making I churned it through the app as well, and this time not coming up with my own colour scheme and rather using my own, here is what came out the other end:

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Living in Genf

So this post is mostly a test on how google buzz interacts with my blogger account. Also of note, after a somewhat shaky start I am finally settled into a place in Geneva. I'll be here still the end of April when I am moving back to Victoria for what I hope to be the final stretch of my PhD.

The shaky start was mostly facilitated by the fact that two days before I left I got an email from the guy I was supposed to sublet a flat from once I got to Geneva that things didn't work out after all. Lukily I could crash with some friends (thanks J-R and Lorraine) till I found a place. I now live in Meyrin which is nice and close to work, sharing a nice flat with a swiss businessman and a physics PhD student from Italy. Both seem rather nice, and I am starting to feel at home.

Once that I was moved into the new place I also met up with some friends to go skiing on Sunday, taking advantage of the close by French alps. It was a great day skiing, Carly posted some pictures on her blog.

Now work is getting a bit more serious, but there is also light at the middle of the tunnel.