We finally finished the assembly of the robot arm, and have it running thanks to the hard work of Mark and Dave. Your guys are teh r0x0r5! We had a problem with the Data Acquisition System here at the 1KT, but thanks to Issei Kato, a K2K expert who just started his postdoc at TRIUMF, the DAQ is fixed. Another big thanks! So now we are running. It appears I will be doing shifts early in the morning (
WTF is that supposed to mean?
Saturday, April 30, 2005
Up and Running with a Vengence!
Friday, April 29, 2005
Sexy Soda
WoW K2K Style!
So I saw this large unused monitor in the control room of the near detector system. I just could not resist. So after diving through wires trying to get the data acquisition system up and running (unsuccessfully may I add) I hooked my laptop up to this kick ass monitor, larger then your average TV
I think it's intended for event display when we are actually taking neutrino data. Since that is not going to happen anytime soon, may as well enjoy the comfort of a 40 inch monitor
Flamingo Food
Our table was placed right next to a huge glass cage full of Flamingos. Apparently there was a flamingo entree on the menu, but with my limited Japanese skills I could not find it, hence the flamingos just provided entertainment while I was fighting with my crab
Jum Flamingo. Tastes like chicken!
Somebody get Mr Clean!
With SNO in the neighbourhood I had a very high expectation of the standards pertaining to cleanliness in and around neutrino detectors. After all the water has to be really clean to make it possible to infer anything about neutrinos that interact in the detector. Anyway this may have sounded like gibberish to you, but the point is that I expected to see a detector that would have made Mr. Clean look like a dirty old man. I was quite disappointed when I finally entered the detector system to install the manipulator and saw this:
Those wires were all red at some point, just that they now have some gangrene. The entire thing looks like a herd of chimpanzees was set lose in there.
The up side to all this: after we spend so much time keeping the arm clean and we dropped it in the tank (I will have some pictures of that process up sometime soon) the water got cleaner. So if nothing else we cleaned the place up for everyone.
Tuesday, April 26, 2005
Motto supaisu kudasai.
Yesterday I had this dinner with the following these two bits of Kanji in the description: -- extreme
-- spice.
After having my first bite I was able to get the jest of the translation. I needed a few beers to cool the fires on that one. A good dinner after all is said and done.
First Dinner Post
From left to right: me, Keith, Mark, Rich, and Dave
Don't have any good pictures from my dinner that day, but there was eyes and raw egg involved. jum!
Feed Me!
Saturday, April 23, 2005
The Enterprise!
"We can't push 'er any 'arder or she'll blow capt'n!"
I don't have a picture of dinner, but dinner was a Japanese style gollum fish. Jucy sweet, but hard to eat with chop sticks. I was tempted to squat on the floor and eat there singing how much i liked my fish. After seeing the stares Dave got for blowing his nose in a resturant, I determined that I should not push the Gaijin-license too far. and had some b33r instead.
Friday, April 22, 2005
Culture Shock
First of all: A ginourmous "Arigatoo gozaimasu!" to Hidemi, Kaori, Tomo, Tarra, and Jeff who prepared me for this trip with their Japanese Classes at SJC. Thanks to you I am not completely lost here.
Yesterday (well maybe two days ago I am not sure thanks to the date line across the Pacific) I left St John's after a nice last breakfast. After that I had just enough time to put up some auctions on World Of Warcraft while waiting for my Cab to the airport.
The first person I met at the Airport was not one of my colleagues travelling to
After a comfortable 10 hour ride on the plane we made it to
Once we arrived at KEK we had a quick bit to eat. After said intake of food, I barely made it to my room but still hand the energy to out find that all my cloth auctions in World of Warcraft had sold. Then I promptly collapsed and slept soundly until