Saturday, April 30, 2005

Up and Running with a Vengence!

We finally finished the assembly of the robot arm, and have it running thanks to the hard work of Mark and Dave. Your guys are teh r0x0r5! We had a problem with the Data Acquisition System here at the 1KT, but thanks to Issei Kato, a K2K expert who just started his postdoc at TRIUMF, the DAQ is fixed. Another big thanks! So now we are running. It appears I will be doing shifts early in the morning (6-7 am to whenever) for now. Now I just have to get the code working to analyse all this data. Well at least I got the printer here working with my laptop.

WTF is that supposed to mean?


  1. Anonymous00:54

    Dude, you should totally steal some paper from Building 4 for that printer.

  2. Done and done!

  3. Wait so how did you make it say that. Is it really giving you that error. I thought that was made up for Office Space.

  4. You guys really never saw that printer error message before?!?!
