Friday, July 22, 2005


This Wednesday my friend Shawn gave me an intro to driving standard on Wednesday so I could drive him to the airport. This morning then we head to the airport for a flight at stupid o'clock in the morning. Smooth ride there, nobody on the roads, barely anyone at the check in. So after getting Shawn's tickets and checking his bags (that just sounds wrong) we went for some good breakfast at Timmies.

On the way home I was for the first time in my life driving a standard, while I was the only person in the car. After a first bit of anxiety I had a pretty smooth ride home. While cruising along South West Marine drive I realized once again how much I enjoy driving, even if it's just casual. Cruising along the road with some good tunes playing (Yay for The Fox) just puts my mind at ease. Just cruise, no worries but the road in front of you ... and I guess the traffic around you. I miss it here in Vancouver where I don't have a car.

Anyway now with a good Timmies breakfast I am sitting at work, time to get some coding done!


  1. I love a good road trip. That's part of why I'd usually drive back and forth between Phoenix and Vancouver, rather than fly. I really loved the drive on SW Marine Drive towards SJC. There's just such a good feel to that part of the road.

  2. It was nice to see that my Truck was in 1 peice when i got home.

  3. Glad you found it :P
